
Wiki-What? Why you need a Wikipedia page now.

Wikipedia has been around for quite some time. If you aren't familiar, "Wikipedia is written collaboratively by largely anonymous Internet volunteers who write without pay. Anyone with Internet access can write and make changes to Wikipedia articles (except in certain cases where editing is restricted to prevent disruption or vandalism). Users can contribute anonymously, under [...]


Hide and Go Search – Top 50 Spine Surgery Keywords

KeywordLocal Monthly Searches2009 RankVar arthritis15000002Up 1 back pain15000001Down -1 acupuncture8230003Same   sciatica4500009Up 5 lower back pain4500004Down -1 stenosis3680006Same   low back pain36800011Up 4 osteoporosis3010005Down -3 scoliosis2460008Down -1 herniated disc20100014Up 4 herniated disk20100038Up 27 back ache16500020Up 8 back pains16500035Up 22 muscle spasm16500033Up 19 disc herniation16500057Up 42 lumbar pain16500092Up 76 sciatica nerve16500095Up 78 herniated discs135000103Up 85 whiplash11000010Down -9 lumbar spine11000030Up 10 back surgery11000017Down -4 spine surgery11000029Up 7 spinal surgery11000048Up 25 spinal injury9050016Down -8 slipped disc9050062Up 37 bulging disc9050028Up 2 left back pain9050025Down -2 sciatic pain9050026Down [...]


Tips for Online Orthopedic Practice Marketing Redux

By Dick Pepper In the article "10 Tips for Online Orthopedic Practice Marketing", Laura Miller of Becker's Orthopedic, Spine and Pain Management Review offered ten tips for effective marketing via online and interactive means ( I wanted to (a) recommend the article and (b) give some color commentary and a few additions. 1. Send electronic [...]


Google Policy Change and The Case of the Disappearing Doctors

If you use any Google products (and how can you avoid it?) then you've probably seen the little reminders that Google has been sharing with us since January. Google announced - and gave us plenty of heads-up - that they were changing their privacy policy. If you don't know what that means, it might cause [...]


Apps: A Strategy Primer – Part 3 Native Apps

When we say "Native", we mean something done in hardcore programming languages like Objective-C or Java. It's not for the faint of heart, the beginner, or the unskilled. You would create a Native app because you want your application to do something that (a) is complex in action or (b) leverages some built-in feature of [...]


Apps: A Strategy Primer – Part 2 Web Apps

Web Apps Here's a very important thing to know: Web Apps Run On All Phones And You Can Build Them Faster And Cheaper. That's a mighty powerful statement. You should stop and ruminate on that for a minute. If it runs on all phones and you can build a web app faster and cheaper, then [...]


Apps: A Strategy Primer – Part 1

We're very casual with the term "apps" these days. To most people it means a simple little program that runs on the phone and accomplishes a task. "There's an App for that" has entered our vocabulary as an expression that means its an easy fix. Or let the smartphone do the work for you. But [...]


Be Mobile Ready

Is your website responsive? Responsive web design is a term that relates to the creation of a site that automagically changes according to the user's screen resolution and it relates directly to being "Mobile Ready". Smart phone and tablet users see a more usable layout based on their device. It's easy to say, but a [...]


Social Media Marketing

Here are two very critical things you need to know: Social Media is about conversation. We learn things on Social Media by participation. Your social media participation sends information out to people who have an interest in you. The Internet is about information. We find information on the web by investigation and observation. Your website is a [...]



Technology, Shmechnology The most-cutting edge technology used today is old and decrepit three years from now. Lucky for you, we live in the future and help you avoid painting yourself into the proverbial technical corner. Read our capabilities below, and get a glimpse of where your future is headed. We're the App for That Apps [...]

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