Is There A Noticeable Difference Between Allergy And COVID-19 Symptoms?

In the era of COVID-19, you may be unsure of whether your symptoms are a sign of allergic rhinitis, environmental allergies, or the virus. If you've been diagnosed with allergies and are facing the same symptoms you've had in the past, it's unlikely that you have COVID-19.

The most common symptoms of allergies include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, watery or itchy eyes, ear congestion, and postnasal drainage. If you're experiencing them, continue your traditional therapies. Take your antihistamines or other medications as prescribed by your doctor, keep your windows shut, and run your air conditioner.

A Fever is Not an Allergy Symptom

So how can you differentiate allergy symptoms from those of coronavirus? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the hallmark symptoms of the virus are cough, shortness of breath, and fever. If you're experiencing a fever, it's likely not an allergy symptom.

Be sure to contact your healthcare provider and inform them of your fever right away. They may perform testing and determine whether COVID-19 is present. If you have a mild case of the virus, you'll be asked to rest and sleep, drink plenty of liquids, and stay at home until you've completely recovered. A ventilator and immediate medical care may be necessary if your condition is more severe.

How Do Allergies Differ From COVID-19?

Since allergies are the result of a response in the immune system, they're not contagious. COVID-19, however, is a respiratory virus that spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It can also spread through contact with infected objects or surfaces.

Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Coronavirus

To reduce your risk of developing coronavirus, be sure to follow these steps.

Wash Your Hands Often

Use soap and water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds on a regular basis. Hand washing is particularly important after you cough, sneeze, blow your nose, go to the bathroom, and eat or prepare food.

Don't Touch Your Face

Keep your hands off your eyes, nose, and face as much as possible. If you do have to touch your face for any reason, be sure to thoroughly wash them right before.

Stay Home

It may be tempting to go out and live your normal life but staying at home is essential during this time. Unless you can't work from home or need to go grocery shopping, do not go out. If you do have to for any reason, be sure to stay at least six feet from others.

How to Manage Your Allergy Symptoms

If you don't have a fever, take these steps to keep your allergy symptoms under control.

Clean Often

It's important to keep the dust and pollen in your house to a minimum. So make sure you vacuum, replace carpet floors with hardwood, and wipe off all the nooks and crannies throughout the various rooms of your house.

Take the Proper Medications

There are a number of medications you can take to keep your allergy symptoms under control. Antihistamines may lower the amount of histamine produced in your body and reduce sneezing, sniffling, and itching as a result. Decongestants can clear mucus from the nasal passageways to relieve swelling and congestion.

Consult Your Doctor

If you're concerned about your allergy symptoms or need medical attention for any reason, don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor. In the COVID-19 era, many doctors are performing telemedicine visits and can help you online or over the phone.

Limit Your Time Outdoors

Although this may be easier said than done during social distancing, do your best to stay indoors in air conditioning as much as you can. Also, keep your windows and doors closed to prevent pollen and other allergens from getting in your home or car.

Remember that while allergies typically cause nasal symptoms like runny nose and congestion, they do not usually lead to fever. Seek medical attention immediately if you catch a fever in addition to other allergy-like symptoms.

All information provided on this website is for information purposes only. Please see a healthcare professional for medical advice. If you are seeking this information in an emergency situation, please call 911 and seek emergency help.

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