Protecting Ears During the Colder Seasons

Believe it or not, the outdoor weather can affect your ear health. Just like your nose, your ears are made up of cartilage and lack insulation to stay warm in the colder seasons. So it's important to protect your ears in the fall and winter when temperatures begin to drop. Here are some tips that can help you do just that:

Wear a Hat

Get into the habit of putting on a hat every time you step foot outside. Make sure it has flaps that cover your ears. Don't want to wear a hat? Try a pair of high-quality ear muffs instead. As long as your ears are protected from the cold weather, they should be in good shape.

Take Control of Your Allergies

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology discovered that about 8% of Americans suffer from hay fever which can cause symptoms like clogged ears. Since allergies can arise in the fall and winter, it's a good idea to consult your doctor to figure out the ideal treatment for your unique situation.

Try a Hearing Protection Product

There are a number of hearing protection products you can buy over the counter to keep strong winds from hurting your ears. If you live in a particularly windy place, a hearing protection product like foam plugs may be worth the investment. Just make sure you don't insert anything that's not intended for your ears as doing so can lead to inflammation and other problems.

Clean Your Ears Properly

It's important to keep your ears clean during the colder months. However, cotton swabs are not the right way to do so. Instead of cotton swabs, use a warm washcloth after you take a shower. If you believe you have an excessive amount of earwax, consult your doctor so they can remove it safely.

Treat Ear Infections

It's not uncommon for ear infections to pop up in the winter. This is because there is less blood circulation in colder temperatures so bacteria and moisture are likely to arise and cause ear infections. Fortunately, antibiotics can easily be prescribed to treat ear infections. Keeping your ears dry can reduce your risk of ear infections.

Protect Your Ears From the Snow Blower

If you live in a very snowy area and use a snow blower, be careful. Since a snow blower is incredibly loud, it has the potential to permanently damage your hearing. Be sure to wear earplugs or earmuffs any time you use the snowblower to keep your ears in tip-top shape.

By following these tips, you can protect your ears throughout the colder seasons and avoid damage and discomfort down the road.

All information provided on this website is for information purposes only. Please see a healthcare professional for medical advice. If you are seeking this information in an emergency situation, please call 911 and seek emergency help.

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